Chandigarh, July 27:
Dikshant School has announced a unique initiative to give a fillip to its students, who are interested in writing & illustration by helping them publish their works. The curator of the programme is Chatura Rao, an award-winning journalist and an author who writes for both children and adults. Chairman of Dikshant School Mitul Dikshit and Chatura Rao, unveiled the unique project — ‘Launching Young Writers’ at a press meet held at Press Club here.
“The programme is aimed at getting the work of students published in the form of a book- ‘Young Voices, 2018-Poems & Stories by students of Dikshant School’. The same allows students to get trained by some of the most renowned writers who specialize in different genres of writing through creative writing workshops. The project covers 11 creative writing workshops in different genres of writing spread over the year. ” said Mitul Dikshit.
The selection procedure of the students for a particular workshop is based on predefined criteria and the interest of the student in a particular genre. The selected students get trained on developing their craft during the two-day workshop led by these authors. They are then given one week of time to fine-tune their work and submit their writing/illustration to the authors. The writers give direct feedback to students for their work. The best of work will get selected for a collaborative book which will be edited by Ms. Chatura Rao, who is also the festival director of Chandigarh Children’s Literature Festival organized by Dikshant School every year in Association with Adab Foundation.
“Impressed by the active participation of students of Dikshant at various editions of Chandigarh Children’s Literature Festival which I curated, I realized that students are now ready for the next stage of their literary journey, which is getting published. The programme is designed with an aim of giving students a unique experience which will give them a lifelong learning, confidence and direction” Added Chatura Rao, the curator of the ‘launching young writers’ program.
The authors who will engage students are Samina Mishra (Poetry), Lavanya Karthik (Adventure Stories), Adithi Rao (Scary stories), Devika Rangachari (Historical Fiction), Srivi kalian(Nature and conservation), Ranjit Lal (Animal Stories), Chatura Rao(Journalism), Nandhika Nambi (Teenage stories), Lovleen Mishra (Hindi poetry & fiction) and Tanvi Bhatt (illustration).
“At Dikshant we have always believed that creating a reading culture at school is important to promote reading as a lifestyle. Our intent and ambition for this programme is more than getting a book published. It’s about creating something that sets the culture of a school and preserves the magic of school years that is proudly passed through generations”, Sums up Mitul Dikshit, Chairman Dikshant School.